video - definitie. Wat is video
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Wat (wie) is video - definitie

  • [[NTSC]] [[composite video]] signal (analog)
  • A [[VHS]] video cassette tape.
Video (album); VIDEO; The Video
Video is an electronic medium for the recording, copying, playback, broadcasting, and display of moving visual media. Video was first developed for mechanical television systems, which were quickly replaced by cathode-ray tube (CRT) systems which, in turn, were replaced by flat panel displays of several types.
  • [[NTSC]] [[composite video]] signal (analog)
  • A [[VHS]] video cassette tape.
Video (album); VIDEO; The Video
¦ noun (plural videos) the system of recording, reproducing, or broadcasting moving visual images on or from videotape.
?a film or other recording on videotape.
?a video cassette.
?Brit. a video recorder.
¦ verb (videoes, videoing, videoed) make a video recording or film of.
1930s: from L. videre 'to see', on the pattern of audio.
  • [[NTSC]] [[composite video]] signal (analog)
  • A [[VHS]] video cassette tape.
Video (album); VIDEO; The Video
(videos, videoing, videoed)
Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English.
A video is a film or television programme recorded on tape for people to watch on a television set.
...the makers of films and videos.
Video is the system of recording films and events on tape so that people can watch them on a television set.
She has watched the race on video.
...manufacturers of audio and video equipment.
N-UNCOUNT: oft on N
A video is a machine that you can use to record television programmes and play videotapes on a television set. (mainly BRIT; in AM, usually use VCR
He'd set the video for 8.00.
= video recorder, VCR
If you video a television programme or event, you record it on tape using a video recorder or video camera, so that you can watch it later. (mainly BRIT; in AM, usually use tape
, videotape
She had been videoing the highlights of the tournament...
= videotape, tape
Video is a system by which you can see television images or films on your computer, rather than on a television set.
Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor video
1. it's video, video, video.
The Points Guy _ Brian Kelly _ Talks at Google
2. Videos, videos, videos.
The Game Changers _ Ellen Hill Zeringue, Molly Wurdack-Folt, Marcia Turner _ Talks at Google
3. videos, the stress videos.
The Social Brain and The Workplace _ Matthew Lieberman _ Talks at Google
4. Video, it's got video.
Making Cooking Casually Understandable _ Sam Zien _ Talks at Google
5. video.
Painting in The Light Field _ Alexa Meade _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor video
1. Video center "High School Musical" gets its video release Tuesday.
2. The AP Online Video Network uses Microsoft‘s MSN Video technology.
3. Best new artist went to Tokio Hotel, while Spears‘ "Piece of Me" won for best female video, best pop video and video of the year.
4. The Mobily 3.5G service will allow current Mobily subscribers access to numerous services such as video calling, video streaming, video conferencing, high speed Internet and multiplayer games.
5. Whether you use a video camera, a digital still camera with video capability, or even a cell phone, capturing video has never been easier.